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Dalhousie University
Academic Year:
2016 - 2017
Department Name
The Department of Philosophy
Department Chair
Duncan MacIntosh,
Degrees Offered
Ph.D., Terminal Masters
Areas of Specialization Offered
Bioethics, Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Medicine, Philosophy of Computing & Technology, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Decision Theory, Philosophy of Biology, African/Africana Philosophy, 19th/20th Century Philosophy
Financial Aid
Teaching Fellowships:
Non-Teaching Fellowships:
Teaching Assistantships:
Students teaching their own classes:
Other Financial Information:
We fund every graduate student we admit, for at least 1 year in the MA, 4 years in the PhD, though eligible PhD students are ordinarily supported primarily by external scholarships from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Funding is a combination of scholarship and teaching assistantship.
Darren Abramson, Associate Professor |
Kirstin Borgerson, Associate Professor |
Andrew Fenton, Assistant Professor |
Tyler Hildebrand, Assistant Professor |
Mike Hymers, Professor |
Chike Jeffers, Associate Professor |
Stephanie Kapusta, Assistant Professor, LTA |
Duncan MacIntosh, Professor |
Letitia Meynell, Associate Professor |
Greg Scherkoske, Associate Professor |
Peter Schotch, Professor |
Program Strengths
We admit only a small number of students and so are able to offer them a lot of attention. There is a great deal of interaction between students and faculty. We run a weekly colloquium series year-round, so students see a lot of professional philosophy in action and have the opportunity to practice professional-level presenting in a nurturing environment. Students get a lot of counseling on their careers, and a lot of mentoring at all stages, including after they graduate and start seeking jobs. We have an extremely high placement record. Our department's Austin lecture series brings in important philosophers from around the world, and our graduate students get to interact with them. Our program features opportunities for graduate students to teach their own classes with mentoring. Students get detailed and quick feedback on their work in progress, their thesis drafts, and on papers they are preparing for public venues. We have placed students as faculty members in most Canadian universities, so our students' dossiers get read by people who know our program, and who are trying to export the philosophical culture they learned at Dalhousie
Student Demographics
Degrees Awarded
Ph.D. Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Number of Required Courses:
Additional Information:
International Students must pay a "Differential Fee" of about $3000 per term, in addition to regular tuition.
Successful completion of the PhD also requires writing comprehensive examinations in four areas of philosophy. Competence in a second language may be required, depending on the student's area of research.
Ph.D. Program Entry Requirements
Writing Sample:
Minimum GPA Required?:
Letters of Recommendation:
GRE Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Statement of interests
Program Strengths
Our MA program is small and selective, usually admitting 4-6 students per year. This means that students receive a lot of individual attention. All graduate students participate in undergraduate instruction through Teaching Assistantships and take part in our year-round weekly colloquium. The atmosphere is especially friendly, stimulating and supportive. About half of our MA graduates choose to continue their studies in Philosophy, and nearly all of them go on to strong PhD programs in Canada or the United States.
Student Demographics
Master's Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Number of Required Courses:
Additional Information:
International Students must also pay a "Differential Fee" of about $3000 per term, in addition to regular tuition.
The MA also requires a thesis, typically of about 60-100 pages, usually written during the summer after course-work has been completed.
Master's Program Entry Requirements
Transcripts Required?:
Writing SampleRequired?:
Letters of Recommendation:
GRE Required?:
GPA Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Statement of interests.
Types of Master's
Terminal Master's:
Summary of Ph.D. Students, 2011 - 2015