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George Mason University
Academic Year:
2018 - 2019
Department Name
Department of Philosophy
Department Chair
Rachel Jones,
Associate Professor
Degrees Offered
Terminal Masters
Areas of Specialization Offered
Aesthetics, Applied Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Bioethics, Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics, Philosophy of Gender, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Economics, History & Philosophy of Science (HPS), Philosophy of Biology, History / Traditions, Early Modern Philosophy (17th & 18th Century), Continental/European Philosophy (including Kant), History of Philosophy, 19th/20th Century Philosophy, American Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy
Financial Aid
Teaching Fellowships:
Non-Teaching Fellowships:
Teaching Assistantships:
Students teaching their own classes:
Other Financial Information:
Annually, there are up to 2 tuition discounts for out-of-state students; up to 4 one-semester positions as graders in an undergraduate level course; and 2 to 5 positions as research assistants.
Rachel Jones, Associate Professor and Chair |
Andrew Light, University Professor |
Derek Boyd, Assistant Professor |
Kurt Brandhorst, Assistant Professor |
Rose Cherubin, Associate Professor |
Christopher Di Teresi, Assistant Professor |
Lisa Eckenwiler, Associate Professor |
Wayne Froman, Associate Professor |
Shannon Fyfe, Assistant Professor |
Ted Kinnaman, Associate Professor |
Jesse Kirkpatrick, Assistant Professor |
Andrew Peterson, Assistant Professor |
Student Demographics
Degrees Awarded
Ph.D. Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Program Strengths
Aesthetics, ethics, history of philosophy, contemporary continental philosophy, political philosophy, feminist philosophy, philosophy of race and gender, bioethics, health care ethics and policy, criminal law ethics and policy, environmental ethics and policy, philosophy of neuroscience, philosophy of law
Student Demographics
Master's Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
Number of Required Courses:
Additional Information:
As of Fall 2018, in-state tuition is $489/credit. Out-of-state tuition is $1346.75/credit.
31 credits (usually 10 three-credit courses plus 1 credit of Proseminar) are required for the degree. Students usually take between 6 and 9 credits per semester.
Master's Program Entry Requirements
Transcripts Required?:
Writing SampleRequired?:
Letters of Recommendation:
GRE Required?:
GPA Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Applicants to the MA program in PHIL, including all concentrations, must have completed certain undergraduate preparation coursework with grades of B or higher in each course.
For the MA with Traditional and Contemporary Philosophy focus and the MA with concentration in Philosophy and Cultural Theory, these courses are:
1 one-semester course in ancient Western (Greek, Roman) philosophy; plus one 1-semester course in modern Western philosophy; plus 1 one-semester course in logic.
For the MA with concentration in Ethics and Public Affairs, these courses are:
1 one-semester course in logic; plus EITHER 1 one-semester course in ancient Western (Greek, Roman) philosophy OR 1 one-semester course in modern Western philosophy.
See this page for details: . That page includes information on TOEFL score requirements.
Types of Master's
Terminal Master's: