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Kent State University
Academic Year:
2019 - 2020
Department Name
Department of Philosophy
Department Chair
Michael Byron,
Professor and Chair
Degrees Offered
Terminal Masters
Areas of Specialization Offered
Applied Ethics, Bioethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, Normative Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Science, Continental/European Philosophy (including Kant), History of Philosophy, Indigenous Philosophy, Asian Philosophy, African/Africana Philosophy, American Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy
Financial Aid
Teaching Fellowships:
Non-Teaching Fellowships:
Teaching Assistantships:
Students teaching their own classes:
Other Financial Information:
For 2018-19, the total financial aid award per student is approximately $25,500, which includes a $12,500 stipend, a full tuition waiver worth $11,000, a health insurance subsidy (for students who do not otherwise have coverage), and workers compensation. The tuition waiver is sufficient to cover up to 12 credit hours per semester. Given the low cost of living in Kent, this award is highly competitive: according to, for example, our stipend would be the equivalent of a stipend of almost $22,000 in Boston.
Andreea Smaranda Aldea, PhD, Assistant Professor |
Deborah R. Barnbaum, PhD, Professor & Health Care Ethics Coordinator |
Michael Byron, PhD, Professor & Chair |
Anthony V. Fernandez, PhD, Assistant Professor |
Kim Garchar, PhD, Associate Professor |
Polycarp A. Ikuenobe, PhD, Professor |
Jung-Yeup Kim, PhD, Associate Professor |
Thomas Michael Norton-Smith, PhD, Professor, Stark Campus |
Daniel E. Palmer, PhD, Associate Professor & Assistant Dean, Trumbull Campus |
David Pereplyotchik, PhD, Associate Professor |
Frank X. Ryan, PhD, Associate Professor & Undergraduate Coordinator |
Deborah C. Smith, PhD, Professor |
Clarence Uher, MA, Lecturer |
Gina Zavota, PhD, Associate Professor & Graduate Coordinator |
Program Strengths
Kent State does not offer the PhD in philosophy.
Student Demographics
Degrees Awarded
Ph.D. Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Ph.D. Program Entry Requirements
Writing Sample:
Minimum GPA Required?:
GRE Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Program Strengths
The Master of Arts degree program in philosophy at Kent State University offers intensive, in-depth study of philosophy, with particular attention to the diversity and plurality of philosophical methods, perspectives, and modes of analysis, and to philosophy’s relation to other disciplines. Most of our graduate students go on to pursue doctoral degrees in philosophy, while others are seeking a terminal Master's in philosophy to supplement and enhance their careers or their work in other disciplines.
The MA curriculum develops both the breadth and depth of our students’ philosophical knowledge, offering a research-forward focus that provides superior preparation for doctoral work in philosophy. We provide end-to-end mentoring, which includes pedagogical training, preparation for a career in academic philosophy, and extensive assistance with applications and placement into PhD programs. Students receive a great deal of personalized attention from our faculty, who develop relationships with our graduates that extend beyond the program and into their careers in philosophy.
Student Demographics
Master's Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Number of Required Courses:
Additional Information:
We require two Graduate Seminars, Intermediate Logic, five additional graduate-level PHIL courses of the student's choice, and two semesters of Thesis credits. All students also enroll in our Graduate Proseminar each year, and, additionally, GAs enroll in College Teaching of Philosophy each year.
Master's Program Entry Requirements
Transcripts Required?:
Writing SampleRequired?:
Letters of Recommendation:
GRE Required?:
GPA Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
TOEFL Online Score:
TOEFL Paper Score:
Other Requirements:
Goal statement
Types of Master's
Terminal Master's:
Non-Terminal Master's:
Summary of Master's Students 2018
Summary of Master's Students, 2017
Summary of Master's Students, 2016 — Women | Men | Other Gender | Unknown Gender
Summary of Master's Students, 2011 - 2015