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University of Oregon
Academic Year:
2019 - 2020
Department Name
Department Chair
Dr. Daniela Vallega-Neu,
Head and Professor of Philosophy
Degrees Offered
Ph.D., Terminal Masters
Online Degrees
Ph.D. None, Masters None
Areas of Specialization Offered
Aesthetics, Applied Ethics, Environmental Ethics, Bioethics, Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Race, Philosophy of Gender, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophy of Computing & Technology, Continental/European Philosophy (including Kant), History of Philosophy, Indigenous Philosophy, Latin American Philosophy, 19th/20th Century Philosophy, American Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy
Financial Aid
Teaching Fellowships:
Non-Teaching Fellowships:
Teaching Assistantships:
Students teaching their own classes:
Other Financial Information:
All Ph.D. students receive five years of full funding (covering tuition and fees with an additional monthly stipend). Typically students receive funding by working for the university as Teaching Assistants.
Ramón Alvarado, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Data Science Initiative |
Steven Brence, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Senior Instructor of Philosophy |
Mark Johnson, Professor Emeritus |
Colin Koopman, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Pre-Law Advisor, Ethics Minor Director, and Director of New Media & Culture Certificate |
Bonnie Mann, Professor of Philosophy |
Erin McKenna, Associate Head of Philosophy & Professor of Philosophy |
Nicolae Morar, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies |
Barbara Muraca, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies |
Camisha Russell, Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
Beata Stawarska, Professor of Philosophy |
Alejandro Arturo Vallega Arredondo, Associate Professor of Philosophy |
Daniela Vallega-Neu, Head of Philosophy & Professor of Philosophy |
Peter Warnek, Director of Graduate Studies & Associate Professor of Philosophy |
Program Strengths
Our program is known for its pluralism, close mentoring relationships between graduate students and faculty, a faculty committed to teaching excellence as well as research, supportive rather than competitive relationships among graduate students, and professionally active and successful graduate students. The department and faculty have particular strengths in a range of traditions, most notably Continental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, American Pragmatist Philosophy. These strengths extend across a range of thematic subfields including History of Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Race, Latin American Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, and Philosophy of Language. The program requires students to develop a broad knowledge of the history of philosophy, major fields, and various approaches and methods.
Student Demographics
Degrees Awarded
Ph.D. Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Number of Required Courses:
Additional Information:
Students typically complete all course work by the end of Year 2 or the first term of Year 3.
Ph.D. Program Entry Requirements
Writing Sample:
Minimum GPA Required?:
Letters of Recommendation:
GRE Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Personal Statement, UO Graduate School Application. A highly-competitive program committed to pluralistic and engaged philosophy, we are especially interested in students seeking to pursue studies in Continental, Feminist, and American Pragmatist philosophy.
Program Strengths
Our program is known for its pluralism, close mentoring relationships between graduate students and faculty, a faculty committed to teaching excellence as well as research, supportive rather than competitive relationships among graduate students, and professionally active and successful graduate students. The department and faculty have particular strengths in a range of traditions, most notably Continental Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy, American Pragmatist Philosophy. These strengths extend across a range of thematic subfields including History of Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Race, Latin American Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, and Philosophy of Language. The program requires students to develop a broad knowledge of the history of philosophy, major fields, and various approaches and methods.
Student Demographics
Master's Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Number of Required Courses:
Additional Information:
Student's electing to write an M.A. thesis typically take 15 courses, including thesis credits. Students pursuing a coursework-only M.A. typically take 16 courses
Master's Program Entry Requirements
Transcripts Required?:
Writing SampleRequired?:
Letters of Recommendation:
GRE Required?:
GPA Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Personal Statement; UO Graduate School Application
Types of Master's
Terminal Master's:
Non-Terminal Master's:
Summary of PhD Students 2019
Summary of PhD Students 2018
Summary of Ph.D. Students, 2017
Summary of Ph.D. Students, 2016
Summary of Ph.D. Students, 2011 - 2015
Summary of Masters Students 2019
Summary of Master's Students 2018
Summary of Master's Students, 2017
Summary of Master's Students, 2016 — Women | Men | Other Gender | Unknown Gender
Summary of Master's Students, 2011 - 2015