Frequently Asked Questions
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Why is a particular school or program missing from the Grad Guide?
When creating the Grad Guide website, we did our best to pull information from previous versions of the Grad Guide. However, not all data was transferable. Furthermore, the APA relies on individual school programs to provide their information. If your school is missing, please contact your department chair or director of graduate studies.
I see information that is incorrect or incomplete. What should I do?
All information in the Grad Guide is provided by individual school programs. If you see incorrect information, please contact the program in question so that their representative can correct it. If you send the APA the correction, in most cases we will forward it to whoever we have on record as the program manager at the school in question.
Searching on a particular variable does not seem to return a complete list of relevant programs. What does this mean?
This means that some programs have not entered complete information. All information in the Grad Guide is provided by individual school programs, and participation is voluntary. We ask and encourage all philosophy graduate programs to provide complete information, but not all do. If you notice that information is missing, please contact the program(s) in question.
I searched for an AOS, but the resulting programs don't show that AOS in their listing. Is something wrong?
Search results show an abbreviated form of each program's information. In some cases, not every area of specialization that the program offers can fit in this abbreviated form. If you click on the school name, you will be taken to that school's long-form listing, which contains much more information.
Why doesn't our program show up in AOS searches? We entered the areas of specialization into the "Program Strengths" field.
The "Program Strengths" field is a general, free-form text field. Strengths might include areas of specialization, but may include other factors, such as program size, diversity, or placement record. The search for areas of specilization draws specifically from the areas of specialization field, which can be found at the bottom of the page under the "General" tab when editing your program.
Why can't I log on with my APA website login?
You cannot log in here with information from the main APA site. You have to create an acount on this site.
Our grad students are fully funded. Why should I enter the tuition rate for our program?
This information is useful for statistical purposes, for estimating taxes, and for understanding the dollar value of a degree at a given program. We encourage all program managers to enter accurate dollar figures in Master's and Ph.D. program tuition fields.
A note on demographics
Not all schools provide demographic information. When this is the case, all students and/or faculty counts will appear in the Unknown race/Unknown gender field. In such cases, calculated fields, including Total LGBT Identifying and Total Disability Identifying will contain zeros. This should not be taken to imply that the programs in question contain no such individuals.