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Oklahoma State University-Main Campus

Academic Year: 
2016 - 2017

Department Name

Department of Philosophy

Department Chair

Scott Gelfand,
Associate Professor

Degrees Offered

Terminal Masters

Areas of Specialization Offered

Applied Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Meta-Ethics, Philosophy of Psychology, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology, Early Modern Philosophy (17th & 18th Century), Continental/European Philosophy (including Kant), Asian Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy

Financial Aid

Teaching Fellowships:
Non-Teaching Fellowships:
Teaching Assistantships:
Students teaching their own classes:
Other Financial Information:
We have 8 graduate teaching assistant positions available. The number of positions available any given year will depend on how many students already have TA positions, but typically we offer 4 each year. Graduate students with TA positions receive a tuition remission and a monthly stipend.



Dr. Doren Recker, Associate Professor
Dr. Eric Reitan, Professor and Graduate Advisor
Dr. Rebecca Bensen-Cain, Associate Professor
Dr. James Cain, Associate Professor
Dr. Scott Gelfand, Associate Professor and Department Head
Dr. Marty Heitz, Associate Professor
Dr. Lawrence Pasternack, Professor
Dr. Apple Igrek, Assistant Professor
Dr. Brian Kim, Assistant Professor
Dr. Shannon Spaulding, Assistant Professor
Dr. Megan Burke, Assistant Professor in Philosophy and Gender and Women's Studies
Dr. Justin Horn, Assistant Professor



Student Demographics

Degrees Awarded

Ph.D. Tuition (US$ in FTEs)

In State: 
Out of State: 

Ph.D. Program Entry Requirements

Writing Sample: 
Minimum GPA Required?: 
GRE Required?: 
TOEFL Required?: 
Other Requirements: 


Program Strengths

The Oklahoma State University Philosophy Department aims to provide a broad, diverse philosophical education for our graduate students. One strength of the department is the diversity of philosophical perspectives and specializations represented. The department has several faculty members who teach ethics, history of philosophy, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of science broadly construed, in addition to epistemology, Asian philosophy, feminist philosophy, continental and post-modern philosophy, logic, philosophy of language, and other areas. We maintain a small, intimate graduate program that enables us to offer one-on-one mentoring. Various tracks and final project options are available to MA students depending on their career aspirations. Our goal is to prepare our students for PhD programs in philosophy and to provide information and guidance to those who want to use their advanced degree in philosophy outside of academia.

Student Demographics

Master's Tuition (US$ in FTEs)

In State: 
Out of State: 
Number of Required Courses: 
Additional Information: 
Plan I โ€” with thesis: 30 credit hours, consisting of 24 hours of course work and six hours of research; Plan II โ€” with report: 32 credit hours, consisting of 30 hours of course work and two hours of research; In addition, students who complete the degree with a report must give a public presentation of their work. Plan III โ€” with creative component: 32 credit hours of work including the creative component. The creative component may be a special report, an annotated bibliography, a project in research or design, or other creative activity as designated by the advisory committee. In addition, students who complete the degree with a creative component must give a public presentation of their work.

Master's Program Entry Requirements

Transcripts Required?: 
Writing SampleRequired?: 
Letters of Recommendation: 
GRE Required?: 
GPA Required?: 
TOEFL Required?: 
Other Requirements: 

Types of Master's

Terminal Master's: 
