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University of Notre Dame
Academic Year:
2019 - 2020
Department Name
Department of Philosophy
Department Chair
Meghan Sullivan,
Rev. John A. O'Brien Collegiate Chair and Professor of Philosophy
Degrees Offered
Ph.D., Non-Terminal Masters
Areas of Specialization Offered
Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, Logic, Early Modern Philosophy (17th & 18th Century), Continental/European Philosophy (including Kant), History of Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, 19th/20th Century Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy
Financial Aid
Teaching Fellowships:
Non-Teaching Fellowships:
Teaching Assistantships:
Students teaching their own classes:
Other Financial Information:
Robert Audi, John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy |
Feraz Azhar, Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
Timothy Bays, Associate Professor of Philosophy |
Sara Bernstein, Associate Professor of Philosophy |
Laura Callahan, Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
Therese Cory, John and Jean Oesterle Associate Professor of Thomistic Studies |
Richard Cross, Rev. John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy |
Brian Cutter, Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
Michael Detlefsen, McMahon-Hank Professor of Philosophy |
Shane Duarte, Assistant Professor of the Practice |
Stephen Dumont, Professor of Philosophy |
Thomas Flint, Professor of Philosophy |
Curtis Franks, Associate Professor of Philosophy |
Elizabeth Fricker, Visiting Professor |
Don Howard, Professor of Philosophy |
Alexander Jech, Associate Professor of the Practice |
Rev. John Jenkins, Professor of Philosophy; President, University of Notre Dame |
Sean Kelsey, Rev. John A. O'Brien Associate Professor |
Janet Kourany, Associate Professor of Philosophy |
Katharina Kraus, Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
Kristopher McDaniel, Professor of Philosophy |
Samuel Newlands, William J. and Dorothy K. O'Neill Collegiate Professor in Philosophy |
Daniel Nolan, McMahon-Hank Professor of Philosophy |
John O'Callaghan, Associate Professor of Philosophy |
David O'Connor, Professor of Philosophy |
Machael Rea, Rev. John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy |
Blake Roeber, Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
Hannah Rubin, Assistant Professor of Philosophy |
Fred Rush, Professor of Philosophy |
Christopher Shields, George N. Shuster Professor of Philosophy |
Jeff Speaks, Professor of Philosophy |
James Sterba, Professor of Philosophy |
Meghan Sullivan, Rev. John A. O'Brien Collegiate Chair and Professor of Philosophy |
Nicholas Teh, Associate Professor of Philosophy |
Peter van Inwagen, Regular Visitor |
Ted A. Warfield, Professor of Philosophy |
Stephen Watson, Professor of Philosophy |
Paul Weithman, Glynn Family Honors Professor of Philosophy |
Program Strengths
The philosophy department at Notre Dame combines pluralism with a commitment to the clarity and rigor of analytic philosophy. It is also marked by an enduring sense that philosophy is not simply about the narrower questions that occasionally seem to preoccupy academic philosophy and thus strives to maintain a balance between professionalism and the exploration of those bigger questions that have been philosophy's traditional concern. Particular areas of strength include the history of philosophy (in all areas, from ancient through medieval and early modern and Kantian and post-Kantian philosophy to 20th century analytic and Continental philosophy), metaphysics, epistemology, logic, philosophy of action, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mathematics.
Student Demographics
Degrees Awarded
Ph.D. Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
In State:
Out of State:
Number of Required Courses:
Ph.D. Program Entry Requirements
Writing Sample:
Minimum GPA Required?:
Letters of Recommendation:
GRE Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Statement of Intent
Student Demographics
Master's Tuition (US$ in FTEs)
Number of Required Courses:
Master's Program Entry Requirements
Transcripts Required?:
Writing SampleRequired?:
GRE Required?:
GPA Required?:
TOEFL Required?:
Other Requirements:
Types of Master's
Terminal Master's:
Non-Terminal Master's:
Summary of PhD Students 2019
Summary of PhD Students 2018
Summary of Ph.D. Students, 2017
Summary of Ph.D. Students, 2016
Summary of Ph.D. Students, 2011 - 2015
Summary of Master's Students, 2011 - 2015